The metal on these old Kings seems very thick and rigid to me. Off the bat this was the heaviest tenor I've ever played. I used the horn for several weeks, and it was a very enjoyable experience. Both were great horns, but I chose the 20 with the recommended Dukeoff metal mouthpiece. This was before I even owned a tenor myself, so I was given the choice of using either the Super 20, or a post Selmer buyout Buescher 400 (also his fathers horn). My friend then asked me if I wanted to play tenor for these games. Unfortunately, the games conflicted with our 1st tenor's work schedule. We had a series of school basketball games that the jazz band had to play for this year. Actually, it was cool working with the kid because we constantly swapped parts and I had many more opportunities than what most 2nd chairs get.

Anyway's, I played 2nd alto in the school's jazz program next to his son who played 1st.

He told me that if he would have known what the VI's would one day go for, he would have saved up and invested in every VI the store had in stock. He liked the VI's, but decided to save a few bucks and used that money to buy a brand new (then) Bobby Dukeoff mouthpiece with the horn. I think he bought the horn brand new for $300 back when he was in high school. My high school friend's father owns a Super 20 from the early 70's. I played a Super 20 extensively during my senior year in high school. The tenor I played had good intonation and tone.

The later intermediate models are decent. The tenor did fair a little better than the alto. I'm usually very good at adjusting to a horns intonation issues, but I just could not pull it off with the Voll-True. I'm used to playing on Martin Committee's and New Wonder's, but I could not humor the pitch as well on these horns. My opinion of the intonation is that it is sketchy. Like Ed says, they are bright and powerful.